Hide data without any sofware!!

Now you can hide your data without any software :)

all you have to do is follow the simple instructions..
Steps are…
1. Download a file in which a code is written, for download the file click here
2. Copy that notepad content in another notepad
3. Replace ‘Type your Password here’ by your desired password
4. Save it with any name with .bat extension, eg lock.bat
5.Now double click on its .bat icon, there will create a folder with same name, put your data into that folder and close it.
6.Again Double click on .bat icon, it will show a prompt window with a text ‘Do you want to lock the folder (Y/N)’
7. Press Y.
Enjoy……… :) :)
please give your valubale commentes

IOS 7 development rumored

ios 7
The first thing people asking is that when is iOS7 releasing. Currently no one knows the exact date when the latest version of iOS would drop in the market. John Gruber believes that the new operating system iOS7 might be running behind its actual date of release. The releasing date for it is in the months of September or October.
With WWDC just few short months away we are starting to hear many leaks about iOS7. The latest one is that the latest version of iPhone and iPad software might face a delay. The apparent reason of it might be the new head John is making a massive change in the development of the software
What will it feature?
It is rumoured that the software would come as a relief for many Users. A more efficient synergy between the software and hardware design is something that Apple is aiming to achieve from it.
Here are some of the things expected to be feature in the upcoming OS:
1. Fingerprint Recognition is to be featured in the upcoming iPhone models. iOS7 will provide software support on how to control a device without the hardware buttons.
2. Multiple User: There may be a support for multiple user accounts. Where a family would get a privilege to share an iPad as a whole just as a PC is shared by multiple users.
3. Control Panel: Many changes are expected to be seen in the platforms control panel system for instance adding gesture based menu to the home screen.
4. Flatter and less realistic: It will be flatter and less realistic meaning that the Calendar app won’t look like the calendar and the Newsstand app will not feature anything realistic shelves.
5. Widgets: Widgets are the one Apple users have been asking for a long time and finally the time has come when the new software would be supporting the widgets.
6. Mobile traffic: Apparently iOS7 is already used by some of the iPhones and iPads. Mobile traffic coming from the new version of OS is spiking in the business. However the consumer release of it is expected to have a long delay.
The less realistic look might be a shocker for Apple loving Users. Everyone well witnessed the criticism Facebook faced when the layout and the look of Facebook was changed.
Things Users want to see:
Here are some of the features that the User wants to see when the software would be hitting this October:
1. Choose Default apps: Though Safari is an excellent Apple’s Engine that gives a fast Web browsing yet there are people who would choose to use Chrome, Mozilla or Opera. People might love to use a third party calendar app, memo app and many other apps. But Apple means that they can’t. It would be great if Apple lets its User to choose what they want to use in their mobile phone.
2. Delete/ Hide some Apple Apps: There are certain junk Apple Apps which we can’t get rid off. Those includes like – Compass, Passbook, Voice Memos and many others. But is it too much to ask the Apple to hide or permanently delete those apps that are not used by it Users?
3. AirDrop: For ages it has been witnessed that the Users are literally begging for these particular app. The app lets Users share content between computers by simply drag and drop method. The particular app is simply awesome and is easy to use. It would work superb on iPhone or iPad.
4. Powering Do not Disturb: Sometimes it is really frustrating if we get woke up by the marketing efforts in the middle of the night. Do not Disturb is that great feature which enables our phone to stop bugging us for a fixed interval of time.
5. New Look: Its time for a shake up. It would be nice if Apple makes some of its icons dynamic. The lock screen of Apple is too minimal which should be taken care of.
From the business point of view the delay in the software is good for the company’s PR. It keeps the company’s stock prise high. It is also being perceived that iOS7 will be a big deal in the upcoming future. It is expected that it adds some fresh elements as well as new features for both its customers and developers. Let’s hope and pray together that Apple is much serious about making the best looking and most functional software iOS7.

Use any Sim in any Modem without unlocking it ;)

We all know that, we cannot use any sim in any modem without unlocking the modem. But its now possible by using Nokia PC suite.

Follow the Steps :

1) Insert the sim inside the modem and connect it to the PC.
2) It will display the message as invalid sim, ignore that message and Open the Nokia PC suite.
3) Click on Connect to Internet option in PC suite. 
4) Goto Configure. Select your data card modem,and make all operator apn setting as like when we use nokia mobile connection. 
5) Finish the set up and connect to internet through PC suite.
6) Now your net is connected without any unlocking.

How to Lock Your PC with Your Pen-drive?


Hello Friends After a Short Interval I am Back With an amazing trick that most of my readers going to like and share it on Facebook. The Trick is about how to lock your PC with an pen-drive.


So, most of you wants to keep your PC personal but everyone like your friends or family members or your roommate keeps using your PC in your absence. Even you have protected it for password they will find it out or they will ask you directly and you have to tell them because they are close to you and you or you can’t refuse them at all so I will tell you a very helpful trick that will make your PC almost inaccessible in your absence this is the trick about How to make your PC protected with pen-drive. The pen-drive will act as an key of your PC the PC will work only if you attach the pen-drive to it. So lets see this trick.

  • Download this software called Predator which is created by our team and install it and Go through the guideline provided with the software and you are done.
If the above link Did not work then click ‘here

How the Software works?

  • When You will insert your pen-drive the pc will be unlocked.
  • When you will remove the pen-drive the PC will be locked again.

So this is the trick that is useful to all of you I think.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook Because your likes are the only encouragement to us. Thank You. 

Right-Click Menu for Shutdown, Log-off, Sleep and Restarting Windows


Having some problem finding how to shutdown, restart and configuring your new version of Windows through control panel? Having some difficulty accessing previous applets like folder option?

Adding Right-Click Menu items to desktop especially to icons like computer and network are really useful in everyday computing.

For the Computer Icon with right-click menu items as shown above, Here’s the Registry file that can be patch for Windows 8Download Now (version 1.0 8/31/2012)


For those people who wants to customize the feature e.g. adding other items such as Folder Option applet, Administrative Tools, Restore point creator, Computer Management and many more: Use the program called WinBubble.
Winbubble can create those entries easily. Go to the Tools Tab of the program, look for the Context Menu Customization group, Click theComputer Button (If you want to create right-click menu entries for Computer Icon) or other icons and proceed with the settings below:

Name: Folder Option
Command: control /name Microsoft.FolderOptions
Icon: C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,202
Click the Add Button… That’s it!
Name: Administrative Tools
Command: control /name Microsoft.administrativetools
Icon: C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,202
Name: Shutdown
Command: Shutdown.exe -s -t 00

Icon: C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll,137
Name: Restart
Command: Shutdown.exe -r -t 00

Icon: C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,95
Name: Sleep
Command: Rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep

Icon: C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,192
Name: Switch user
Command: tsdiscon.exe

Icon: C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,83
Name: Hibernate
Command: rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Hibernate

Icon: C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,27
Name: Lock
Command: Rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation

Icon: C:\Windows\system32\imageres.dll,54
Cool Right?!
Anyway, If your a computer enthusiast, computer expert or just studying, here’s the technical details of the tweak.
Technical details of the Commands and Windows registry
Shutdown your Computer
Shutdown.exe -s -t 00
– Force Windows to shutdown immediately
Shutdown.exe -s (After 30 seconds)
Restarting the Computer
Shutdown.exe -r -t 00
– Force Windows to close all programs and restart immediately
Sleep Computer
rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep
Lock your Computer
rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation
Switch to User
Hibernate Computer
rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Hibernate
Details for Windows Registry
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@=”rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Hibernate”
@=”Rundll32.exe user32.dll LockWorkStation”
@=”Shutdown.exe -r -t 00″
@=”Shutdown.exe -s -t 00″
@=”Rundll32.exe Powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep”
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Switch user]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Switch user\command]

Thanks for reading the article! 

How to Extract Text from any Image ?

How to Extract Text from any Image ?

Free OCR is an online website which does this work for you in minutes and free of cost. The process is pretty simply and can be done easily by simply visiting the website then uploading the text image and then click Send to process the image and extract the text out of that image.