CBI arrests Indian mastermind behind Hire-a-Hacker service on FBI tip-off

For the first time in history, Indian Law Enforcement Agency ‘Central Bureau of Investigation’ (CBI) has arrested a Cyber criminal after getting a tip-off from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

33-Year-old Amit Vikram Tiwari, son of an Indian Army colonel and an engineering dropout, who allegedly ran two websites offering services for hacking into email accounts was arrested on Friday from Pune city.
CBI arrests Indian mastermind behind Hire-a-Hacker service on FBI tip-offAccording to the details submitted by FBI, he had compromised more than 1,000 Accounts around the world and offering illegal services for cracking email account login for $250 – $500 via two websites http://www.hirehacker.net and http://www.anonymiti.com hosted on U.S. Based servers.
Amit received most of the payments from his Clients via Western Union Money Transfer or PayPal. During the investigation, police found several fictitious names of clients and bank account numbers in his computer. Initial investigation clarifies that he has clients in China, Romania, and U.S.
But not the first time! At the age of 21; in 2003, Amit was arrested by the Mumbai police for hacking a credit card processing company where he defrauded of Rs. 900,000.
Hacker vs CBI
Amit has been arrested by CBI under Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act. It has been found that Amit is connected to Indian Premier League (IPL) scam as well. For now Amit is on a transit-remand for further questioning in the Delhi.
Other than Amit, CBI has also raided at multiple locations in Mumbai, Pune and Ghaziabad in search of other cyber criminals.
Rediff News reported:
FBI has also tipped off India about the hackers stealing online banking credentials of account holders. All credentials are picked up by the hacker and then a price is fixed before he sells that information.

The amount that the data is sold for depends on the bank balance of the person. There are amounts that have been fixed even for those people who have less than 500 dollars in their account. Accounts comprising sums such as $90,000 to $200,000 too have been hacked and the information sold.
Stealing identities, hacking into bank accounts and snooping into emails for information are part of this major international hacking racket which involves money’s worth over $600 million, the sources added.
FBI also shared the GPS location of the criminal with CBI. But not just in India, FBI had contacted Combating Organized Crime (DCCO) of Romania and Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of China, providing specific input on hackers penetrating e-mail accounts and mounting attacks on U.S based financial systems.
Question for FBI: U.S based hackers also hack websites, Financial institutions, Credit Cards of millions of people around the world, including India. Will FBI ever take the initiative to arrest them to support Indian Investigation Agencies?

Syrian Electronic Army kept their promise; Microsoft’s Office blog hacked

Microsoft Office hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Yesterday Night Microsoft has faced another targeted attack by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), a group supposed to be aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The SEA group is popular for its advance phishing attack and using the same technique they also hacked into the Official Twitter account of Microsoft News, Xbox Support, Skype and also defaced the Microsoft, Skype Official Blog pages in the past few weeks.
Yesterday, Just after the Microsoft uploaded the newly designed website of it ‘Microsoft Office‘ blog, the Syrian Electronic Army gang again compromised it successfully.
SEA uploaded the hacked blog screenshots on their twitter account, with a defacement article titled “Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army“, as shown.
Before, they also taunted Microsoft that “changing the CMS will not help you if your employees are hacked and they don’t know about that.”
The Group kept their promise to continue their attacks on the Microsoft. More screenshots of the admin panel are as shown below:
Microsoft Office hacked by Syrian Electronic Army 1 
Microsoft Office hacked by Syrian Electronic Army 2

One of the most famous saying from Bill Gates read,“I always choose a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it”, but now it’s time to hire some clever and pro-active employees in the Microsoft to defend itself from such foolish attacks i.e. Phishing and Social Engineering.

Enable undo send feature Gmail Settings

We all depend on e-mail as the primary source of communication. We may sometimes make mistakes while mailing. Though they are small, they can be disastrous in few cases like sending resumes, business letters etc.  But you can undo your sent mail. Yes, many of us don’t know this feature present in Gmail. It is less known feature and a very effective one. This feature is not visible by default. It has to be enabled manually.
Step 1
  • Move your cursor to the right upper corner.
  • Click on the Gear icon.
  • Select ‘Settings’
enable undo send feature gmail settings
Step 2
  • Under ‘Settings’ Select ‘Labs’ as shown below.
enable undo send feature gmail settings 2
Step 3
  • Scroll down to find ‘Undo send’.
  • Enable it by clicking on the radio button “Enable”.
Step 4
  • You can customize the time delay. The default time is set to 10 Sec but you can also change it to 20 or 30 Sec.
  • For this go to “settings”–>General–>Undo send.
  • Using drop down box you can change ‘Send cancellation period’.

Now let us see how this feature works.

  • Compose a mail and press send button.
  • Now you can see a message at the top of the screen saying.
  • If you want to undo the sent e-mail click on here.
So this is how you can undo a sent e-mail in Gmail.

How to Create a Confession page on Facebook using Google Drive

In the recent days confession pages on Facebook have become a new trend. You can post anything anonymously on these pages i.e. without knowing who actually posted it. This brought a craze for such pages and people started expressing themselves which they cannot share in person. These confession pages are different from normal pages on Facebook but can be created easily. Anyone can create confession pages by following few simple steps.
To create a confession page you need first you need a Facebook page and an account inGoogle Drive (Gmail).

Creating a Facebook page

To create a Facebook page you can use your Facebook account or directly use this link
After clicking the create page button you had to select the type of page you are going to create. As we are creating a confession page click on “cause and community”.
Enter the name of your page, Accept Terms and Conditions and Get started.

Creating a Confession Form to Link Facebook page

  • Go to ‘http://docs.google.com’.
  • Sign in with your Google account.
  • Click on “Create” and select “Form” option.
  • Select your desired Title, Theme and click “OK”.
  • Fill the form i.e. enter form name, description, question title etc.
  • Now change “Question type” to ‘Paragraph’ so that one can confess long stories and click on “Done”.
You can also use other Form Applications like Form+, JotForm.
Before completing the form you had to set your response destination .Click on “Choose response destination“ which is at the top of the page.
Then enter name for the spreadsheet and click on “Create. This creates a new file in your Google docs. Whenever somebody fills the form you will receive a message .

Adding form link to the Facebook page

  • Click on “View live form”.
  • Now the form appears in a new tab. Copy the URL of the form and paste it in the About section of your Facebook page.

Steps For Creating Your Own Customized Run Commands

Every time if we want to open any application we need to search for its location and then double click on it which takes a lot of time. To avoid this, Windows Operating System has a default function called Run command. This Run Function allows you to open an application directly with a single command.
For accessing Run command you can go to Start –>Run or directly Press Window + R. By default it only works for few inbuilt commands like ‘cmd’ for Command Prompt, ‘calc’ for Calculator, ‘brush’ for Paint etc.
You cannot access any other Applications which are not inbuilt. But don’t worry you can create your own Run commands in simple steps.

Steps for creating Run Command

Here let me explain you the procedure to create Run command for “Internet Explorer”.
  • First right click on the desktop, select New–>Shortcut.
Now you can see a dialog box asking for the location of the item.
  • Click ‘Browse’ and locate the application. Here as we are doing for Internet Explorer, You can find it in C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
  • Click on Next to continue.
Then type a name for your Shortcut. Here I am using ‘ie’ for internet explorer and click on Finish.
Now you can see a shortcut icon created on the desktop.
  • Copy the Shortcut Icon and paste it in C:\WINDOWS folder.
With this you are done with creating a Run Command for internet explorer. Now check it by typing ‘ie’ in the Run. You can see Internet Explorer opening in new window.
Similarly you can create customized Run commands for different applications and work on it.
Hope this post helped you. Pass your comments.

How to Fix Blue Screen Error in Windows 8, 7 and XP | Blue Screen of Death

Blue Screen Error or Stop Error is common in all Windows based Operating Systems.
In Windows 8 Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) appear with a big smiley icon : ( and a Text showing to restart your computer. If this Blue Screen Error continues it results in loss of Application data.

Reasons for the occurrence of Blue Screen Error

Hardware Failure In the System
Using Old Version of Drivers
If the System is affected by Virus
Failure of RAM and Power Supply Problems
Steps to Fix Blue Screen of Death
1) In most of the cases the problem occurs only because of the Drivers, so first update your Windows Operating System Drivers.
Download a software called SlimDrivers Which automatically detects the drivers and update them.
2) Install Best Antivirus and Scan the entire system.
My suggestion is to Download Free Avast antivirus and Configure the Boot Scan.
3) Check whether the RAM is Working or Not, Remove the RAM Clean it and Fix it properly in its slot. Use RAM Optimizer Software which Boosts the system performance.
4) Check whether there are any loose connections in the cabinet. If necessary open the cabinet clean it.
5) Run Disk Defragmenter and Error Checking on your Hard Drive.
6) Download the below mentioned Cleaning Softwares and Run them on your computer.
7) Finally Restart your system and Run it in Safe Mode.
To Run your PC in Safe Mode press F8 button at the time of booting.
For more Troubleshooting Options Refer Below Link
Hope you all like this Post, Tell us your Views through Comments.

How to Find or Track lost Android Mobile Phone (Stolen)

Losing your mobile is like one of the worst things that can happen. Now a days mobiles are becoming much more than just texting and calling. People prefer Android mobiles which can be used as a camera, album, alarm, personal diary, internet connected device and many more filled with our very personal details. Losing such an important device really makes us upset. However, there is no need to worry much because we have many Android apps in the market today that helps us in retrieving our lost mobiles.
Today in this article, I am going to explain about three best anti-theft android apps that helps you to track lost mobile phone. First, let us know how these apps help us.
  • Track Mobile Phone location
  • Take photos of theft area
  • Gives a loud alarm even in silent or vibrate mode
  • Provides remote control
There is no guarantee that mobiles can be traced, but there will be a better chance to get it back or at least you can delete your personal info from your mobile.
Find lost Android Mobile Phone

Apps to find or track lost mobile phone

Where’s My Droid

If you lost your mobile or somebody stolen it and cannot find it, you can text a custom attention code so that you can hear your phone ringing though it is in silent or vibrate mode and collect it.
If it is around you and cannot not hear it, you can get GPS location and can be linked to Google maps. For this your mobile should have GPS enabled.
Where is my droid android app to find lost mobile
Other features
  • Remote lock, SD card and device wipe
  • Camera control
  • Notification when SIM card changed
  • Landline activation

Prey Anti Theft

Prey Anti-Theft is one of the commonly used apps to trace lost android mobile phone. With the single account, we can protect up to three mobiles. The app has to be installed in the phone before the theft.

how to block ads on android phone without root applications

Ads are everywhere. When you open a website there will be Ads popup. While in computer browsers we use add-ons to block Ads. But now the usage of Smartphone’s are increased so the Ads on the mobile also increased.
In an android phone it is so frustrating when an ad suddenly pops up while you are surfing, gaming or chatting.
Many of us really don’t know to block these Ads on android. We can actually block those ads and continue our work without any disturbance. It can be done easily with a simple app. Though there are many apps for blocking ads. To use this apps which are present in the market the phone has to be root. There is an app that doesn’t required root,
The name of the app is Adblock plus (ABP)

now how to block ads on android phone

Step 1
installing ABP on your android
Go to Google store search for Adblock plus
Click “install” and then “accept and download”.
You can also download it on your PC and transfer it to your mobile phone.
First download ABP Through any web browser.
After download is done connect your phone to the system and transfer the app to your phone
Go to ‘Settings’ and then to ‘Security’ .There verify whether the ‘Unknown source’ box is checked.
If not checked do it now.
Now open the app and click “Install”
Step 2
You can also add filter list using “Filter subscription”. A menu will be opened where in you can change filters but multiple filter lists are not allowed.
Step 3
Now click “OK” for your preferred lists.
That’s all you can block all those ads that disturbs you.
If you know any other apps or any questions let us know through comments.

Yahoo’s tweet about Gmail downtime earns Twitter’s snark; company apologises

Someone should explain to Yahoo’s Twitter team the proverb about glass houses and stones, because whoever was doing the tweeting this weekend hasn’t got the gist. Gmail and some Google services were down this past weekend for a couple of hours and obviously there was a whole lot of overreaction to this, the sort of thing we saw in the middle of last year with constant downtime for Gmail.
But this around the situation was controlled in an hour or so and Gmail was up and running before things got out of hand. However, that didn’t stop Yahoo from tweeting a picture saying ‘Gmail is temporarily unavailable’ along with a screenshot of the browser error. Yahoo tried to be funny, but the person tweeting must have somehow forgotten Yahoo’s own trouble with mail downtime, which affected users for over a week, late last year.

The tweets in reply to the original were full of snark and many laid into Yahoo for forgetting their own troubles while seemingly mocking a competitor’s problems. This one was particularly scathing.


The tweet has since then been deleted with the account later tweeting out an explanation saying the @yahoo Twitter account is used by “our editorial team to inform about news and events.” Another tweet then apologised for the original dig. “Earlier today, a tweet that reflected bad judgment was posted and has been deleted. We apologize to @Google and the @Gmail team,” read the tweet after that. However, that didn’t stop its followers from questioning whether there was some schadenfreude on Yahoo’s part, and continue making fun of Yahoo.
Can't argue with that

Can’t argue with that

So what do you think? Was Yahoo’s tweet actually funny or should they have known not to shoot their mouths off considering their own problems?

8 less known Awesome Google Products and Services

We all people know how Google plays an important role in the internet world. Apart from search engine, Email, Google Maps and File Storage services Google offer many other products and services to their users.
Today in this article, I will introduce you 8 less known awesome Google products in the internet world.

Cookin’ With Google

Cookin’ With Google is a custom search option that helps you to find cooking recipes across the world. It is a customized page created on Google, which shows the search results from popular cooking and recipe websites.

Google Takeout

Takeout is a service offered for Google users to configure and create archive of their data present in the Google database. The created archive can be downloaded onto your computer.


Ingress is a multiplayer online game published by Google. It is a real time game for Android devices in which the gamer has to move physically around the world to collect objects.

Google Moderator

Moderator helps you to ask a question and create discussion on it. Anyone who visits the website can submit a question and any users can answer and vote it. The discussion can be shared via email or any other social network

Google Helpouts
