How to send Anonymous Mail to anyone|Set up your own server

Everyone Like to send Anonymous Mail to your enemy or friend or teacher.  Here is the Hacking tutorial for you to implement that.  So i hope This will be best hack for you.

What is the Use?
   I explained you in my older post how to get ip address.  To get the ip address you need to send the mail with link.  So You can send mail to your victim with that link such that you are contacting from an organization.

For Eg:
You can say we are from Facbook,we have new feature to enable the feature visit this page.

How to do? 

Step 1:
First of all you need to register in free web hosting service which has PHP feature.  So my choice is

Step 2:
Now Download this zip file:


Inside the file you can find the mail.php file. Extract the file

Step 3:
Now Go to and login with your username and password.
Upload the “mail.php” file to “public_html” folder.

Step 4:
That’s all you finished. 
Now go to this page


Change the yourhosturl with your website url which you gave it when you register in
For eg:

Usually the default will be “”

When you visit you will see the form just like this:

Fill the form with your victim mail address and message subject and send

     Don’t give your details in the sender field.
Just fill with any organization name.
For Eg:

         If you have any doubts or want to say thanks,please comment me

eBay and PayPal UK website hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

eBay and PayPal UK website hacked by Syrian Electronic ArmyA pro-hacker group, aligned with president Bashar al-Assad, very well known as Syrian Electronic Army(SEA) has again gained the media attention by adding the popular sites, i.e. eBay UK and PayPal UK to its victim list.

After targeting websites of various media agencies, government organizations and big enterprises, including the latest defaced CNN and Microsoft, today they targeted and defaced the official websites of UK’s Ebay ( and PayPal (

The group also left a deface page along with a message on the hacked PayPal UK site: “Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army! Fuck the United States Government.

It is clear that the attack on PayPal could put millions of peoples’ bank information at risk, but the group said that the attack is not to target account information of people instead was ‘Purely a Hacktivist Operation’ with the reason behind is the discrimination of Syrian citizens by PayPal company.

For denying Syrian citizens the ability to purchase online products, PayPal was hacked by SEA”, “If your PayPal account is down for a few minutes, think about Syrians who were denied online payments for more than 3 years. #SEA”, the messages in the Official Twitter account of the group.

PayPal is currently one of the biggest international e-commerce business, allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet. Whereas eBay is an American multinational internet consumer-to-consumer corporation popularly used for Online shopping around the Globe. 

Anuj Nayar, PayPal’s senior director of global initiatives, told Mashable, “For a brief period today, a very limited number of people visiting certain PayPal and eBay marketing pages in the UK, France and India were redirected. The issue was quickly detected and resolved. No customer data was accessed by these redirects, and no customer accounts were affected. We take the security and privacy of our customers very seriously and are actively investigating the reasons behind the temporary redirects.

At the time of writing, The official website of Hacking Group was down and the Twitter account has also been suspended.

CBI arrests Indian mastermind behind Hire-a-Hacker service on FBI tip-off

For the first time in history, Indian Law Enforcement Agency ‘Central Bureau of Investigation’ (CBI) has arrested a Cyber criminal after getting a tip-off from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

33-Year-old Amit Vikram Tiwari, son of an Indian Army colonel and an engineering dropout, who allegedly ran two websites offering services for hacking into email accounts was arrested on Friday from Pune city.
CBI arrests Indian mastermind behind Hire-a-Hacker service on FBI tip-offAccording to the details submitted by FBI, he had compromised more than 1,000 Accounts around the world and offering illegal services for cracking email account login for $250 – $500 via two websites and hosted on U.S. Based servers.
Amit received most of the payments from his Clients via Western Union Money Transfer or PayPal. During the investigation, police found several fictitious names of clients and bank account numbers in his computer. Initial investigation clarifies that he has clients in China, Romania, and U.S.
But not the first time! At the age of 21; in 2003, Amit was arrested by the Mumbai police for hacking a credit card processing company where he defrauded of Rs. 900,000.
Hacker vs CBI
Amit has been arrested by CBI under Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act. It has been found that Amit is connected to Indian Premier League (IPL) scam as well. For now Amit is on a transit-remand for further questioning in the Delhi.
Other than Amit, CBI has also raided at multiple locations in Mumbai, Pune and Ghaziabad in search of other cyber criminals.
Rediff News reported:
FBI has also tipped off India about the hackers stealing online banking credentials of account holders. All credentials are picked up by the hacker and then a price is fixed before he sells that information.

The amount that the data is sold for depends on the bank balance of the person. There are amounts that have been fixed even for those people who have less than 500 dollars in their account. Accounts comprising sums such as $90,000 to $200,000 too have been hacked and the information sold.
Stealing identities, hacking into bank accounts and snooping into emails for information are part of this major international hacking racket which involves money’s worth over $600 million, the sources added.
FBI also shared the GPS location of the criminal with CBI. But not just in India, FBI had contacted Combating Organized Crime (DCCO) of Romania and Ministry of Public Security (MPS) of China, providing specific input on hackers penetrating e-mail accounts and mounting attacks on U.S based financial systems.
Question for FBI: U.S based hackers also hack websites, Financial institutions, Credit Cards of millions of people around the world, including India. Will FBI ever take the initiative to arrest them to support Indian Investigation Agencies?

Syrian Electronic Army kept their promise; Microsoft’s Office blog hacked

Microsoft Office hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Yesterday Night Microsoft has faced another targeted attack by the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA), a group supposed to be aligned with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The SEA group is popular for its advance phishing attack and using the same technique they also hacked into the Official Twitter account of Microsoft News, Xbox Support, Skype and also defaced the Microsoft, Skype Official Blog pages in the past few weeks.
Yesterday, Just after the Microsoft uploaded the newly designed website of it ‘Microsoft Office‘ blog, the Syrian Electronic Army gang again compromised it successfully.
SEA uploaded the hacked blog screenshots on their twitter account, with a defacement article titled “Hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army“, as shown.
Before, they also taunted Microsoft that “changing the CMS will not help you if your employees are hacked and they don’t know about that.”
The Group kept their promise to continue their attacks on the Microsoft. More screenshots of the admin panel are as shown below:
Microsoft Office hacked by Syrian Electronic Army 1 
Microsoft Office hacked by Syrian Electronic Army 2

One of the most famous saying from Bill Gates read,“I always choose a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it”, but now it’s time to hire some clever and pro-active employees in the Microsoft to defend itself from such foolish attacks i.e. Phishing and Social Engineering.

The Official Microsoft Blog also hacked and defaced by Syrian Electronic Army

It appears new year starts with bad luck for the Microsoft.  Microsoft has found itself under the radar of Syrian Electronic Army, one of the popular syrian hacker group known for high profile website hacks.

Few hours after we yesterday reported that Microsoft official twitter account hijacked,  their blog also got hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army(SEA).

The group managed to create an articled entitled “Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army” in the Microsoft official Technet blog(”‎”).

It appears the group still have access to the email accounts of Microsoft.  They also published emails sent from one employee to another employee regarding the security breach.

Now, the Technet blog is back up and functioning normally. The attack just came after the hijack of Microsoft Xbox twitter account and official twitter account of Skype.  The group also defaced the Skype’s blog.

History of Hacking

Hacking has been around for more than a century. In
the 1870s, several teenagers were flung off the
country’s brand new phone system by enraged
authorities. Here’s a peek at how busy hackers have
been in the past 35 years.
Early 1960s
University facilities with huge mainframe computers,
like MIT’s artificial intelligence lab, become staging
grounds for hackers. At first, “hacker” was a positive
term for a person with a mastery of computers who
could push programs beyond what they were designed
to do.
Early 1970s
John Draper John Draper makes a long-distance call
for free by blowing a precise tone into a telephone
that tells the phone system to open a line. Draper
discovered the whistle as a give-away in a box of
children’s cereal. Draper, who later earns the handle
“Captain Crunch,” is arrested repeatedly for phone
tampering throughout the 1970s.
Yippie social movement starts YIPL/TAP (Youth
International Party Line/Technical Assistance
Program) magazine to help phone hackers (called
“phreaks”) make free long-distance calls.
Two members of California’s Homebrew Computer
Club begin making “blue boxes,” devices used to hack
into the phone system. The members, who adopt
handles “Berkeley Blue” (Steve Jobs) and “Oak
Toebark” (Steve Wozniak), later go on to found Apple
Early 1980s
Author William Gibson coins the term “cyberspace” in
a science fiction novel called Neuromancer.
In one of the first arrests of hackers, the FBI busts the
Milwaukee-based 414s (named after the local area
code) after members are accused of 60 computer
break-ins ranging from Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center to Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Comprehensive Crime Control Act gives Secret Service
jurisdiction over credit card and computer fraud.
Two hacker groups form, the Legion of Doom in the
United States and the Chaos Computer Club in
2600: The Hacker Quarterly is founded to share tips
on phone and computer hacking.
Late 1980s
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act gives more clout
to federal authorities.
Computer Emergency Response Team is formed by
U.S. defense agencies. Based at Carnegie Mellon
University in Pittsburgh, its mission is to investigate
the growing volume of attacks on computer networks.
At 25, veteran hacker Kevin Mitnick secretly monitors
the e-mail of MCI and Digital Equipment security
officials. He is convicted of damaging computers and
stealing software and is sentenced to one year in
First National Bank of Chicago is the victim of a $70-
million computer heist.
An Indiana hacker known as “Fry Guy” — so named
for hacking McDonald’s — is raided by law
enforcement. A similar sweep occurs in Atlanta for
Legion of Doom hackers known by the handles
“Prophet,” “Leftist” and “Urvile.”
Early 1990s
After AT&T long-distance service crashes on Martin
Luther King Jr. Day, law enforcement starts a national
crackdown on hackers. The feds nab St. Louis’ “Knight
Lightning” and in New York grab Masters of Deception
trio “Phiber Optik,” ” Acid Phreak” and “Scorpion.”
Fellow hacker “Eric Bloodaxe” is picked up in Austin,
Operation Sundevil, a special team of Secret Service
agents and members of Arizona’s organized crime
unit, conducts raids in 12 major cities, including
A 17-month search ends in the capture of hacker
Kevin Lee Poulsen (“Dark Dante”), who is indicted for
stealing military documents.
Hackers break into Griffith Air Force Base, then
pewwwte computers at NASA and the Korean Atomic
Research Institute. Scotland Yard nabs “Data Stream,”
a 16-year-old British teenager who curls up in the
fetal position when seized.
A Texas A&M professor receives death threats after a
hacker logs on to his computer from off-campus and
sends 20,000 racist e-mail messages using his Internet
Kevin Mitnick [photo / AP ]In a highly publicized case,
Kevin Mitnick is arrested (again), this time in Raleigh,
N.C., after he is tracked down via computer by
Tsutomu Shimomura at the San Diego Supercomputer
Late 1990s
Hackers break into and deface federal Web sites,
including the U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Air
Force, CIA, NASA and others.
Report by the General Accounting Office finds Defense
Department computers sustained 250,000 attacks by
hackers in 1995 alone.
A Canadian hacker group called the Brotherhood,
angry at hackers being falsely accused of
electronically stalking a Canadian family, break into
the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Web site and leave
message: “The media are liars.” Family’s own 15-year-
old son eventually is identified as stalking culprit.
Hackers pierce security in Microsoft’s NT operating
system to illustrate its weaknesses.
Popular Internet search engine Yahoo! is hit by
hackers claiming a “logic bomb” will go off in the PCs
of Yahoo!’s users on Christmas Day 1997 unless Kevin
Mitnick is released from prison. “There is no virus,”
Yahoo! spokeswoman Diane Hunt said.
Anti-hacker ad runs during Super Bowl XXXII. The
Network Associates ad, costing $1.3-million for 30
seconds, shows two Russian missile silo crewmen
worrying that a computer order to launch missiles
may have come from a hacker. They decide to blow
up the world anyway.
In January, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics is
inundated for days with hundreds of thousands of
fake information requests, a hacker attack called
Hackers break into United Nation’s Children Fund
Web site, threatening a “holocaust” if Kevin Mitnick is
not freed.
Hackers claim to have broken into a Pentagon
network and stolen software for a military satellite
system. They threaten to sell the software to
The U.S. Justice Department unveils National
Infrastructure Protection Center, which is given a
mission to protect the nation’s telecommunications,
technology and transportation systems from hackers.
Hacker group L0pht, in testimony before Congress,
warns it could shut down nationwide access to the
Internet in less than 30 minutes. The group urges
stronger security measures.

Hacking iPhone iOS 7 Lockscreen

Hacking iPhone iOS 7 Lockscreen, Apple’s flashy new
mobile operating system has been in the public’s hands
for all of 48 hours. Now one user has already found a
bug that blows a hole in its security protections.
About this time every year, Apple gives a gift
to mobile developers: the newest version of iOS. The all-
new Apple iOS 7 launched at WWCD 2013 this week and
Just after 48 hours of iOS 7 release, Jose Rodriguez able
to hack and bypass Lockscreen to access the Photos in
just a few seconds.
It’s no surprise that iOS 7 beta has its flaws. iOS is
infamously popular for its lockscreen bugs that can let
anyone bypass the passcode on iOS device to gain access
to a private information. It’s only available to those
with developer accounts, for now, and those who have
used it describe it as majorly buggy. It’s likely Apple will
patch this bug before the operating system sees its
official release.
The video below showing how to completely bypass the
iPhone’s password protection by accessing the calculator
available on the lock screen.
By opening iOS’s Control Room and accessing the
phone’s calculator application before opening the
phone’s camera, anyone can access, delete, email,
upload or tweet the device’s photos without
knowing its passcode.
Lockscreen bypass is just the latest in a series that have
been found in iOS, and others haven’t been spotted in
beta. Better for Apple to fix this bug now than when the
software has been downloaded to millions of iPhones.

iphone hack: bypass lock screen iOS 6.1

iphone hack: bypass lock screen iOS 6.1

As Apple new iOS 6.1 improved so many features of security but still the glitch was discovered in its supreme security beside this the system has never face such kind of glitches.

                                    iphone hack: bypass lock screen iOS 6.1

The bug of iOS 6.1 is Microsoft exchange bug the device generate excessive communication with Microsoft exchange server this will increase activity of network and drain battery very fast. That is fixed by apple in new release of iOS 6.1.2 for ipad iphone 5 and all iOS 6.1 devices.

The hole in security of iOS 6.1 allow iphone hack by lock screen bypass through which any one can access voice mail, photos, message, and contact and can call. The process does not require any physical access to the hardware of iphone any one can unlock iphone,running iOS 6.1, with in a minute. The process requires only combination and series of button.


     (iphone hack can be done only when iphone is locked)
bypass lock screen iOS 6.1
  1. Unlock iphone by simple sliding.
  2. Press emergency call 
  3. Hold Power button until power down popup shows. Press cancel, the status bar will turn blue. Make emergency call and cancel it as soon as possible so the call does not through.
  4. Press the sleep button to sleep the device then press home button to turn it on.
  5. Unlock the device then press and hold the power button within 3 sec tap emergency call.
  6. Device is ready to use without knowing the password.

In previous iOS, apple faced same security issue that affect devices having iOS 4.1 and can be resolve in iOS 4.2. For now a day’s apple shown lack of urgency to fix the bugs but soon apple will fix the lock screenbypass bug but till then take your phone with you to save your personal data.       

How to Hack Softwares to use them Lifetime

Hi, I am back today with a most usefull article..Hope all of you will Like It ! Here i will show you that “How to Hack Softwares to use them Forever ?” . That really a useful article,because in our daily life we need thousand of softwares today,which of most are highly paid..So how to use them Freely for whole Like ??

Most of us are familiar with many softwares that run only for a specified period of time in the trial mode.Once the trial period is expired these softwares stop functioning and demand for a purchase.But there is a way to run the softwares and make them function beyond the trial period. Isn’t this interesting?

Before I tell you how to hack the software and make it run in the trial mode forever, we have to understand the functioning of these softwares.I’ll try to explain this in brief.Because Purpose if ICA is 1st to clear your basics.So,When these softwares are installed for the first time, they make an entry into the Windows Registry with the details such as Installed Date and Time, installed path etc.After installation every time you run the software, it compares the current system date and time with the installed date and time.So, with this it can make out whether the trial period is expired or not.

So with this being the case, just manually changing the system date to an earlier date will not solve the problem.For this purpose there is a small Tool known as RunAsDate.

RunAsDate is a small utility that allows you to run a program in the date and time that you specify. This utility doesn’t change the current system date, but it only injects the date/time that you specify into the desired application.

Download RunAsDate v1.10

Intercepts the kernel API calls that returns the current date and time (GetSystemTime, GetLocalTime, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime), and replaces the current date/time with the date/time that you specify.It works with Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista.

You have to follow these tips carefully to successfully hack a software and make it run in it’s trial mode forever.
1. Note down the date and time, when you install the software for the first time.
2. Once the trial period expires, you must always run the software using RunAsDate .
3. After the trial period is expired, do not run the software(program) directly.If you run the software directly even once, this hack may no longer work.
4. It is better and safe to inject the date of the last day in the trial period.


Using W32Dasm, and HIEW. 

OK, let’s start:
First of all, you have to run the damn game you want to crack, without the CD.
The game, doesn’t work of course, (Please, don’t panic) BUT a window pops up, telling you an error message. 
This error message will help you to crack the game so, you’ve got to remember it.
For example: Please insert the – CD, or: You need the CD to play the – . 
( -, is the game you want to crack). Anyway, if you are so idiot and you can’t remember it, write it, in a little piece of paper.
Now, run Win32Dasm, and on the toolbar, press the first little button on the left, OR, go to Disassembler ->Open file to Disassemble. A menu will pop up. Select the exe which you want to crack. The disassemble, will take few minutes so, I suggest you, to go for shitting.

OK, it finished its process.
Now, in your screen, there is a strange text, and we can’t understand anything of course. Don’t worry, the only thing we have to do, ( If you want, you can change the font), is to click on the String Data References, the button next to the print button (Strn.REF).
You can see a window which is called String Data Items. Scroll down, and try to find the game’s error message. When you’ll find it, double click on it, and then, close the window, to go back to the Win32Dasm text.
As you can see you are somewhere in the CD check routine. This is the message’s place. Now comes the interesting and difficult part, so, be careful.
We don’t know what all these shits mean, BUT we must know the @ offset of every call and jump command.
Write down, every call and jump @ offset number. (You have to be sure, that the OPBAR change its used color to green). You need the number behind the @offset without the h. Let’s go to HIEW, now.

To move up and down, use the cursor keys. Start HIEW. exe.
In the HIEW directory, there is a list of exes and programs. Go to the directory, which you saved the game’s exe, we want to crack, and click on the exe. Click F4, and then, a menu will pop up, with 3 words. Text, Hex, and Decode. Click on Decode, and now, we can understand the list of numbers.
Click F5, and you can now enter the number, we wrote down, in Win32Dasm. Type it, and you will be placed at the number’s place. The cursor is placed on a command.

Before I’ll continue, I want to explain you something. For example, if the command where our cursor is placed on, is E92BF9BF74, means that it is 5 bytes.
Every 2 numbers, are one byte: E9-2B-F9-BF-74 = 90-90-90-90-90. 10 letters, mean, 5 bytes.
OK, if you understood it, you can continue.

Press F3, which means edit, and now you can edit these ten numbers.
Type five times, the number 90. For every byte, 90. Now click on F10 to exit.
We cracked the CD protection