What’s the difference between an Intel Core i3, i5 and i7?

Intel Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7 CPUs have been around for over a year now, but some buyers still get stumped whenever they attempt to build their own systems and are forced to choose among the three. With the more recent Sandy Bridge architecture now on store shelves, we expect the latest wave of buyers to ask the same kind of questions.

Core i3, Core i5, Core i7 — the difference in a nutshell

If you want a plain and simple answer, then generally speaking, Core i7s are better than Core i5s, which are in turn better than Core i3s. Nope, Core i7 does not have seven cores nor does Core i3 have three cores. The numbers are simply indicative of their relative processing powers.
Image credit: Intel.
Their relative levels of processing power are also signified by their Intel Processor Star Ratings, which are based on a collection of criteria involving their number of cores, clockspeed (in GHz), size of cache, as well as some new Intel technologies like Turbo Boost and Hyper-Threading.
Core i3s are rated with three stars, i5s have four stars, and i7s have five. If you’re wondering why the ratings start with three, well they actually don’t. The entry-level Intel CPUs — Celeron and Pentium — get one and two stars respectively.
Note: Core processors can be grouped in terms of their target devices, i.e., those for laptops and those for desktops. Each has its own specific characteristics/specs. To avoid confusion, we’ll focus on the desktop variants. Note also that we’ll be focusing on the 2nd Generation (Sandy Bridge) Core CPUs.

Number of cores

The more cores there are, the more tasks (known as threads) can be served at the same time. The lowest number of cores can be found in Core i3 CPUs, i.e., which have only two cores. Currently, all Core i3s are dual-core processors.
Currently all Core i5 processors, except for the i5-661, are quad cores in Australia. The Core i5-661 is only a dual-core processor with a clockspeed of 3.33 GHz. Remember that all Core i3s are also dual cores. Furthermore, the i3-560 is also 3.33GHz, yet a lot cheaper. Sounds like it might be a better buy than the i5. What gives?
At this point, I’d like to grab the opportunity to illustrate how a number of factors affect the overall processing power of a CPU and determine whether it should be considered an i3, an i5, or an i7.
Even if the i5-661 normally runs at the same clockspeed as Core i3-560, and even if they all have the same number of cores, the i5-661 benefits from a technology known as Turbo Boost.

Intel Turbo Boost

The Intel Turbo Boost Technology allows a processor to dynamically increase its clockspeed whenever the need arises. The maximum amount that Turbo Boost can raise clockspeed at any given time is dependent on the number of active cores, the estimated current consumption, the estimated power consumption, and the processor temperature.
For the Core i5-661, its maximum allowable processor frequency is 3.6 GHz. Because none of the Core i3 CPUs have Turbo Boost, the i5-661 can outrun them when it needs to. Because all Core i5 processors are equipped with the latest version of this technology — Turbo Boost 2.0 — all of them can outrun any Core i3.

Cache size

Whenever the CPU finds that it keeps on using the same data over and over, it stores that data in its cache. Cache is just like RAM, only faster — because it’s built into the CPU itself. Both RAM and cache serve as holding areas for frequently used data. Without them, the CPU would have to keep on reading from the hard disk drive, which would take a lot more time.
Basically, RAM minimises interaction with the hard disk, while cache minimises interaction with the RAM. Obviously, with a larger cache, more data can be accessed quickly. All Core i3 processors have 3MB of cache. All Core i5s, except again for the 661 (only 4MB), have 6MB of cache. Finally, all Core i7 CPUs have 8MB of cache. This is clearly one reason why an i7 outperforms an i5 — and why an i5 outperforms an i3.


Strictly speaking, only one thread can be served by one core at a time. So if a CPU is a dual core, then supposedly only two threads can be served simultaneously. However, Intel has introduced a technology called Hyper-Threading. This enables a single core to serve multiple threads.
For instance, a Core i3, which is only a dual core, can actually serve two threads per core. In other words, a total of four threads can run simultaneously. Thus, even if Core i5 processors are quad cores, since they don’t support Hyper-Threading (again, except the i5-661) the number of threads they can serve at the same time is just about equal to those of their Core i3 counterparts.
This is one of the many reasons why Core i7 processors are the creme de la creme. Not only are they quad cores, they also support Hyper-Threading. Thus, a total of eight threads can run on them at the same time. Combine that with 8MB of cache and Intel Turbo Boost Technology, which all of them have, and you’ll see what sets the Core i7 apart from its siblings.
The upshot is that if you do a lot of things at the same time on your PC, then it might be worth forking out a bit more for an i5 or i7. However, if you use your PC to check emails, do some banking, read the news, and download a bit of music, you might be equally served by the cheaper i3.
At DCA Computers, we regularly hear across the sales counter, “I don’t mind paying for a computer that will last, which CPU should I buy?” The sales tech invariably responds “Well that depends on what you use your computer for.” If it’s the scenario described above, we pretty much tell our customers to save their money and buy an i3 or AMD dual core.
Another factor in this deliberation is that more and more programs are being released with multithread capability. That is they can use more than one CPU thread to execute a single command. So things happen more quickly. Some photo editors and video editing programs are multi-threaded, for example. However, the Internet browser you use to access Netbank or your email client is not, and is unlikely to be in the foreseeable future.
Hopefully this gives you some insight for your next CPU selection.
Happy computing!
David Parkinson is the managing director of DCA Computer Technologies a computer retailer and support provider. Read more articles at the DCA Computers blog, follow DCA Computers on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook.
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How to Find or Track lost Android Mobile Phone (Stolen)

Losing your mobile is like one of the worst things that can happen. Now a days mobiles are becoming much more than just texting and calling. People prefer Android mobiles which can be used as a camera, album, alarm, personal diary, internet connected device and many more filled with our very personal details. Losing such an important device really makes us upset. However, there is no need to worry much because we have many Android apps in the market today that helps us in retrieving our lost mobiles.
Today in this article, I am going to explain about three best anti-theft android apps that helps you to track lost mobile phone. First, let us know how these apps help us.
  • Track Mobile Phone location
  • Take photos of theft area
  • Gives a loud alarm even in silent or vibrate mode
  • Provides remote control
There is no guarantee that mobiles can be traced, but there will be a better chance to get it back or at least you can delete your personal info from your mobile.
Find lost Android Mobile Phone

Apps to find or track lost mobile phone

Where’s My Droid

If you lost your mobile or somebody stolen it and cannot find it, you can text a custom attention code so that you can hear your phone ringing though it is in silent or vibrate mode and collect it.
If it is around you and cannot not hear it, you can get GPS location and can be linked to Google maps. For this your mobile should have GPS enabled.
Where is my droid android app to find lost mobile
Other features
  • Remote lock, SD card and device wipe
  • Camera control
  • Notification when SIM card changed
  • Landline activation

Prey Anti Theft

Prey Anti-Theft is one of the commonly used apps to trace lost android mobile phone. With the single account, we can protect up to three mobiles. The app has to be installed in the phone before the theft.

8 less known Awesome Google Products and Services

We all people know how Google plays an important role in the internet world. Apart from search engine, Email, Google Maps and File Storage services Google offer many other products and services to their users.
Today in this article, I will introduce you 8 less known awesome Google products in the internet world.

Cookin’ With Google

Cookin’ With Google is a custom search option that helps you to find cooking recipes across the world. It is a customized page created on Google, which shows the search results from popular cooking and recipe websites.

Google Takeout

Takeout is a service offered for Google users to configure and create archive of their data present in the Google database. The created archive can be downloaded onto your computer.


Ingress is a multiplayer online game published by Google. It is a real time game for Android devices in which the gamer has to move physically around the world to collect objects.

Google Moderator

Moderator helps you to ask a question and create discussion on it. Anyone who visits the website can submit a question and any users can answer and vote it. The discussion can be shared via email or any other social network

Google Helpouts


How to find original URL Hidden behind a Shorten URL Link

If you follow famous social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ you might see small Shortened URL’s which are redirected to the other pages. Instead of using full and ugly large URL, they make it short and friendly.
There are many URL shortening services like bit.ly, ow.ly, goo.gl, is.gd etc. These services help us to track the geographic location and no of clicks on a specific URL. This information is used to calculate the customer interests and the place where the clicks are coming from.

How Shorten URL’s are used on the internet.

The internet is a place where you find links everywhere. Sometimes there could be ashorten URL link and you do not know where it leads to. The page you are going to land through that link may contain virus or malware.
If you consider bloggers, they shorten the long affiliate URL and redirect it to their affiliate sales page. Hackers use shortened URL to spread malware, virus and to hide phishing links.
To avoid this type of situation you have to know where the particular shorten URL leads to without clicking on it.

Tools to Find Original Long URL behind a Shorten URL

Let me take an example of shorten URL from my blog.
If you are using Google Chrome browser here is an add-on that shows the hidden URL when you hover on it.

LinkPeelr For Google Chrome

I personally use linkpeelr extension.
Here are the other similar add-ons you can try on your Browser.

Internet download speed hits 1,83,501MBps in test

In a breakthrough, scientists in the UK have achieved the “fastest ever” broadband speeds of 1.4 terabits per second – enough to transmit 44 high-definition movies at once.

The joint test by British Telecom (BT) and French networking equipment company Alcatel-Lucent achieved the high speeds of 1.4 terabits per second, or 1,83,501Mbps, on the existing fibre network in London.

The breakthrough is being seen as highly important for internet service providers (ISPs), as it means a greater amount of information can be sent through existing broadband infrastructure, reducing the need for costly upgrades.

There are faster methods of transmitting data – such as the use of complex laser technology – but this is the first test to achieve such high speeds in “real world” conditions, outside testing labs, ‘BBC News’ reported.

The test was conducted in October and November last year, on a line from BT Tower in central London and the company’s research campus near Ipswich.

Kevin Drury, optical marketing leader at Alcatel-Lucent, likened the development to reducing space between lanes on a busy motorway, enabling more lanes of traffic to flow through the same area.

He said flexibility meant some could be adapted to specific needs – like opening an extra lane during the morning rush hour.

In internet terms, this would mean, for example, streaming video would get a large, wide lane, while accessing standard web pages would need only a small part of the fibre’s capacity.

Access Banned Torrent and Video Sites in India

Some of the ISPs in India have already started blocking torrent websites (The PirateBay, Torrentz, etc.) as well as some legal video sharing websites (like Vimeo, DailyMotion). Nowadays, when someone tries to access these websites, he/she may receive a rather annoying message:
 “Access to this site has been blocked as per Court Orders“
Currently, two of the Indian ISPs – namely Reliance and Airtel – have blocked specific websites. The reason for blocking is yet unclear but the citing of a Court order in the display message gives us a clue. The US Government has already blocked websites in the past on grounds of copyright infringement and it is certain that other countries have also started to follow suit. Torrents have regularly provided users access to copyrighted content worldwide; particularly new movie releases which could be downloaded through torrents.
However, websites like Vimeo and DailyMotion are legal video sharing websites like Youtube and the reason is still unclear as to why these websites have been blocked as per “Court Orders”. In the coming days, we might also start seeing other service providers blocking number of websites on Governmental issues.
There is, however, a way users can still access these blocked websites legally without using a proxy. The trick lies in the protocol used for accessing the website. The sites being blocked in India are generally done so by using filters through the network that prevent the sites from opening. More often, these filters generally work on normal channels and don’t block secured websites.
You can access the Secured Version of the blocked websites using “https” instead of “http” in the address bar. When you open the blocked site with “https”, the website opens without any errors and you get a fully functional website.
 Default view of the Site
Website with  https
Most people try to access these websites via Proxy; but using a proxy has its own disadvantages. The proxy network that a person is using maybe insecure. Moreover, proxys slow down network access speeds considerably. This is because all requests are channeled through the proxy server which handles a large number of clients, which causes slow response times.
Using https does not need a proxy and sites can be opened directly and response times are also quick as it is not channeled through any public server.
Disclaimer:  We DO NOT endorse any kind of piracy or copyrighted material. This article is strictly for educational and informational purposes only.

How to create a torrent?

Torrents are great, they are the best way to share large files with your friends, or even with people you don’t know at all. But surprisingly enough, not many people create torrents when they need to share something. I have “a lot of” friends who know how to download torrents, but when they need to send me their latest 200MB vacation picture collection, they ask me to “get on msn”.
It’s not that I have anything against msn (although the file transfer sucks), but why don’t just use BitTorrent? Especially if you want to send something to more than one person, or if you want to share high quality HDTV files, because then you can share the bandwidth.
So how do you do this? Well it’s very simple. Open your favorite BitTorrent client and do the magic trick:
file > create torrent
That’s all? Well almost. All you need to do now is put in the tracker info and tick some boxes. This can differ somewhat from client to client but it all comes down to the same thing.
utorrent bit torrent
1. File > Create new Torrent (or CTRL + N)
2. Select the files and or directories
3. Trackers: This is probably the hard part for most people. But it’s pretty easy, just put in one of the popular public trackers. You can use one or more trackers, but in general one is enough.
Here are some good trackers you can use:
Put one of these in the tracker box
4. Do NOT tick the private torrent box (unless you’re using a private tracker)
5. Save the torrent and send it to your friends
bitcomet bit torrent
1. File > Create Torrent (or CTRL + M)
2. Select the files and or directories
3. Select “enable public DHT network” from the dropdown box
This way you can be your own tracker if the public tracker goes down.
4. Tracker server and DHT node list
Again, This is probably the hard part for most people. But it’s pretty easy, just put in one of the popular public trackers. You can use one or more trackers, but in general one is enough.
Here are some of the most popular trackers at the moment:
Put one of these in the tracker box
5. Save the torrent and send it to your friends
azureus bit torrent
1. File > New Torrent (or CTRL + N)
2. Tick “use an external tracker”.
And again, This is probably the hard part for most people. But it’s pretty easy, just put in one of the popular public trackers.
Here are some of the most popular trackers at the moment:
Put one of these in the tracker box
3. Select single file or dicectory, click NEXT and point to the file or directory you want to share, and click NEXT
4. Do NOT tick “private torrent”
5. Do tick “allow decentralized tracking”
6. Save the torrent and send it to your friends
Happy sharing. Note that you don’t need to upload the torrent to a website or a tracker. This means you control who gets the file and who doesn’t, and it won’t be visible to others!.

[ 2014 INTERNET KNOWLEDGE ] Full names of 10 famous companies

DHL – Dalsey Hillblom Lynn
IBM – International Business Machines
TLC – The Learning Channel\
FIAT – Fabbrica Italiana AutomobiliTorin o
HMV – His Master’s Voice
TCS – Tata Consultancy Services
SAP – System Analysis and Program
Amul – Anand Milk Union Limited
IKEA – Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd
HTC – High Tech Computer
GOOGLE – Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth.

Email Security Tips For Internet Users

1. Enable two step verification in you Email accounts.
2. Enable Login-notification for you email and get notification in your mobile whenever you login.
3. Set a strong password with a mix of alphabets, numbers and special charecters.
4. Enable login- notification for you facebook accounts to prevent unauthorised access.
5. Enable HTTPS in your email sttings annd your facebook account settings.
6. Never share your password with anyone. Even to your closest person.
7. Setup a recovery question which is difficult to answer and never setup an easy & guessable answer to your security question.
8. Never click on any links sent through mail or chat. It may be a link which can steal your cookie or inject any viruses.
9. Always check your address bar for proper website address before logging in.

Internet surfing By Proxy and Anonymous

1) What is a proxy?
A proxy is an address of a proxy server (look @ kind of proxy’s) that is placed between your computer and the internet :

Normal :
Computer ——–> Internet
With proxy :
Computer ———> Proxy server ———–> Internet

The main advantage of the Proxy is that it will cover up your IP address (your identity on net) which may help you in opening the ban sites in your country. It was very much popular in days when Facebook was banned in Pakistan and user use Proxies to log into their accounts.

2) Kind of Proxies:

You have 2 different proxy’s (some more but these are for a normal internet users) :
-1: Private proxies : They are only for you (it’s the same like buy your own ip address ) and will cost 15-20$
-2: Public Proxies : They are for everyone but the problem is sometimes you can get fast proxy’s and sometimes slow ones. If you have a good site/list with fast proxy’s there as good as private proxy’s

3) Where get your proxy ?
There are many ways to find the proxies but some address are also expired , so just search Google for the Fresh Sites. (search : free Proxy, free anonymous surfing)

4) Use proxy with IE(Internet Explorer):
-1: Open Internet explorer
-2: Go to tools > Internet Options > Connections
-3: Now you will see “LAN Settings” open it
-4: Check Use a Proxy server for LAN. Than you will be able to use Address and Port.
-5: Get a proxy (Read Wear get your proxy’s) and fill the address you don’t have to fill it the port.
-6: Hit ok , ok and it’s done. You surf now with a proxy !

5) How safe is it ?
The use of proxy’s is legal and it’s a good protection BUT don’t think ur full protected/undetected. It’s more and more popular and some (protected) site block public proxy’s because of the spammers …

6) Proxy software
You have lots of software that work with proxies like a Anonymous Surfing, bruteforcer or proxy port scanner.I have even added an link to download 16 various anonymous IP tools from 

7) WARNING!!!!
It is true that a proxy hide your identity but don’t think that you are really safe if you hack CIA Database because in case of hack the Proxy site will give your real identity and you will end up in jail for at least 20 years. So be responsible!!!